Sex is a funny thing. When you’re not getting it, it seems like the best thing in the world. When you get plenty of it, it’s still pretty fucking wonderful, and when you are having as much as you want, with one partner or ten, people can usually tell. I’m not sure exactly why, but people who are regularly having sex – not just any sex, but good sex – tend to stand out.
Actually – I’m pretty sure I do know why… it’s all about confidence.
There are several ways to describe the unconfident person, and desperate is often an accurate description.
Desperate is the Death of Sexy.
The intra-sentence capitalization there is a bit hokey, perhaps, but the emphasis is warranted.
Nothing moves you from ‘dark and mysterious’ to ‘lonely and pathetic’ faster than the simple realization on the part of the observer that you are not, in fact, mysterious, but that you are, instead, merely pathetic and some of my more timid friends are in awe of my ability to stay in the ‘dark and mysterious’ camp without having to resort to the ‘douchebag’ camp tactics.
I’m here to tell you that it is entirely possible to be both kind and sexy. Contrary to the current conventional wisdom, you do not have to be an asshole to get girls to like you. In fact, you just have to not be a pushover and you have to ask for what you want. I’m not the most attractive man in the world, but I have no trouble whatsoever in finding sex partners because I am confident, intelligent, kind, and patient. And by patient, I don’t mean that you stalk the poor woman for four months and hope that she’ll relent and have pity sex with you – the fact that that ever works is a serious detriment to us all, but that’s another rant entirely…
Somewhere in the twentieth century, Western society started to view women as people. This is an amazing and long overdue accomplishment. Someday, perhaps we will get to the point where we view women as equals as well, but that is something that I’ve harped on to various degrees in previous posts and won’t get into again here.
Anyway – the reason for mentioning the above is that prior to about a hundred and fifty years or so ago, there wasn’t much of a concept in Western society of consent as being important to the act of having sex. Women were quite literally the property of their fathers or husbands and it was up to those men to decide when the women in question were allowed to have sex and with whom. Women were viewed either as assets or liabilities, but never as people. They were something to be sold away or bargained with. And once the woman in question was of ‘breeding age’ she would be disposed of by her father and taken possession of by her husband who would then gain exclusive access to her, sexually and in every other way as well.
Fucking barbarian viewpoints if you ask me…
Anyway… somehow we managed to pull our asses out of such depravity and recognize that women have a right to control access to their own bodies. This gave them the right to say ‘no’ and they often did, because out-of-wedlock children are still viewed with a stigma attached, it’s a very difficult thing for a woman to raise children on her own, and for the first time women were being given a choice about whether or not this was something they wanted to do.
When the birth control pill hit the streets we had a brief period where sex was viewed as something that could be experienced for pleasure alone and without all of the consequences that were commonly part of that equation before. Women were actually, finally, and for the first time ever, able to choose to have sex for the sake of pleasure alone – something that men have enjoyed since the dawn of time. The era of ‘free love’ was born and because the impetus was on women to go on the pill – a choice which they alone were empowered to make, reversing the power dynamic on a fundamental human drive for the first time ever – they became the de-facto gatekeepers of sex.
This put the choices that led to ‘consequence free’ sex into the hands of women alone. Of course, this isn’t completely true – condoms have been around for much longer than the pill – but they require some forethought and for some reason which I cannot understand, are anathema to a lot of people’s enjoyment of sex.
So – the common belief evolved that men always want sex and that it is up to the woman to decide when and where this occurs because the preparation for this is her responsibility. This is a naive viewpoint, but let’s let it slide for now…
This is a pretty new paradigm shift, but it is at least a couple of generations old now, and pretty firmly entrenched. When the AIDS epidemic killed ‘free love,’ the changes to the way society views women and sex were already firmly in place, so sex became a lot scarier, and women started to say ‘no’ more often. This is relaxing a bit now that HIV is treatable, and thus no longer a death sentence, and because infection rates have dropped in most of the world other than sub-Saharan Africa, but it is something that still plagues the minds of those in their 30’s and low 40’s.
So, now women had multiple good reasons to say, ‘no’ more often, and for the first time, the fact that they were saying ‘no’ mattered.
Guys in my generation were raised to respect this.
This is a good thing.
But society is a very poor teacher. In order for the message to carry through all facets of society, it must be delivered as bluntly as possible and the consequences for failing to meet with expectations must be severe. The end result was that the message, as delivered, was somewhat emasculating. It came with the worldview that said, basically, “you can have sex with a woman only if she ‘gives it up to you.’”
This is a dangerous and harmful idea.
Firstly – this makes the assumption, once again, that men want sex with anyone and all of the time. Secondly – this makes the assumption that women are reluctant to have sex in general, and that you will only succeed in getting into her panties by performing some kind of heroic act for which she is so grateful that she decides to go against her normal nature and allow you to have sex with her. Implicit in this assumption is that women don’t want to be having sex normally. And lastly, this also includes the assumption that sex is a taboo topic that should not be discussed openly, and that hurts everyone involved. My general rule in life is that if I can’t talk about it openly, I should probably not be doing it.
Women like sex every bit as much as men. Especially with patient, kind, and confident men. Their tastes with the actual experiences differ considerably from woman to woman, but this is true of men as well. Some women like to be called dirty names, some are totally turned off by the very thought of that. Some women like to have their hair pulled or their asses slapped, but others respond only to gentle touch. It behooves one to learn about what she likes before you start trying to push her into unknown territory.
In my experience, once you earn a woman’s trust (and I’m sure the same goes for men) she’ll be willing to at least try anything you ask her to do. So if you have a particular kink that she doesn’t share, be patient, be kind, and be confident. She’ll probably come around, and if she doesn’t you can address that once you know that you’ve at least given it the best possible chance for success. But if you lose your cool, or you whine at not getting what you want, you can be guaranteed that she won’t even consider it. She’ll lose respect for you, and if you ever even got into her panties, you probably never will again. Once the respect is gone, it is extremely difficult to get back.. not impossible, but difficult, and the longer it goes on that way, the harder that climb back uphill becomes.
So – gentlemen of the interwebs – this is my advice to you: Be calm, be sure, ask for what you want, and respect what she likes. If you can do those things, you have a much better chance of not only getting what you want, but of getting it often and with enthusiasm. It doesn’t really matter what you look like, how much money you make, or really any other of the myriad of criteria that society tells you are important. Of course, it never hurts to be a billionaire Adonis type, but even if you are one, you’re going to get much less actual action if you act like a whiney toad than if you hold your head high, believe that you are valuable, and ask for what you want.
Desperation is the Death of Sexy, and I’m determined to bring Sexy back.
Was this a rant? I’m not sure.
Either way, I am Rant.
Rant off.