This is not a real blog entry.
This is not the blog entry that you are looking for.
Move along.
Move along.
Okay.. well, in all seriousness, I have many things to say, but I don’t have the words to say them right now. I know you, gentle reader, are probably wondering why I have made so few entries since I gave myself the 500 words per day task and probably think that I have abandoned that ideal completely.
I have not. I have added some bits to previous writing exercises and created some new things that are not appropriate for the blog, but more importantly, it’s November, and that means NaNoWriMo.
National Novel Writing Month, for the uninitiated, happens every November, and the participants, myself included, pledge to attempt to write a 50,000 word novel entirely within the month of November.
I’ve been doing it off and on for the past several years, and while I’ve only once (my first year, when my dedication was highest) succeeded in accomplishing the 50,000 word goal, I still give it my best shot.
As of now, I’m about 20,000 words in and about 10,000 words behind schedule. I have to write considerably more than 500 words per day if I’m going to achieve my goal, and hence – no blog posts since late October.
Fear not though – December will see me clearing the backlog of nearly-complete-but-as-yet-unpublished blog posts and hopefully a return to a more regular writing cadence.
Until then, thank you for keeping me honest.
Rant off.